So many months ago (it seems to me) I started this blog just to write down my sentiments and share with (don't know who....) my experience.
From then a lot of things happened.
My first intention was to update my travel journey every day while in India or at least once a week..... Of course didn't happen.
Couldn't find Internet Cafés out there? No, it's plenty of its nowadays.
The costs was too high? No, from 15 to 30 Rs. per hour (about 0,26/0,52 euro).
Not enough time to spend in an Internet Café? Well, probably, and just because I still prefer my old paper diary and my coloured pens.
And thanks to it now I can write down what's happened.

"...all my bags are packed,I'm ready to go..."/ Mum

Mauro / Dad
